
Jared The Brave

Jared went to space. God Speed Jared.  ...A person with a certain accumulation of money that they are then named as a Billionaire before their name is mentioned! Hence,  The Billionaire Jared Isaacman!    Mr. Jared has completed the first ever private spacewalk. In essence, Jared has paid money to go in to space and look at earth from the vacuum.  This is an endeavour that was not available to everyone on earth. Jared has the money to finance his tourism. There should not be a soul who believes this to be an issue. Live within your means and try not to use credit to go into orbit etc.   Jared is certainly brave and a hero .    An icon.    A person who understands the power of words and the struggles of an estimated 700 million earthlings who live on less that £2 a day.  Jared is the bastion of a social mirror. Highlighting how we earth-folks must all work to create what he saw from 400 miles above earth…   Hollywood, please heed this and make a Blockbuster that further portrays and del

Everyone alive will die

Everyone person  Over 100 billion humans have lived on earth. They all died. My error. Another 17 billion on top. 117 billion. Each had a birth! Birthday/s! Maybe a funeral. Take comfort in the above statistics and inevitability Predict only the inevitable ;-)  So, here are some people who are dead (I will start it and you can add to it). They did it already. Brave bastards.  These folks are just the ones we know as the living carry their names and tales like a baton to be past on.  This is due to the fear of death! Fuck that!  We will all join these people in death (the silence you cant remember before you being born)... Oscar Schindler (good way to start a list) __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ me (and you) __________________________ Footnote. I get comfort from knowing these did it first; Hunter. S. Thompson John Lennon Andre the Giant My mum's mum C
Sheltered I have no idea or clue as to what war is.  Only a moron would suppose to understand war, unless they have 'been there' in a war zone .  Cinema shall glorify heroism in war and project a jaunty camaraderie between fighters, yet I struggle to believe that war brings anything other than fear and death.

Back; Sorry

Well, it has been some time since I treated you to my dull thoughts. So, let's rejoice in the hiatus and recoil with sorrow that this blog is now active again! BAFFLED Currently watching Disclosure Surviving Domestic Abuse . The levels of aggressions are high. The aggressors are vile and caught bang to rights on tape and home security. One male abuser was sentenced to spend 27 months in prison! He was freed after half of this! He was given merit for saying that he was guilty... The evidence showed he was guilty. It makes no sense. He could only have claimed to not be guilty if the jurors were all to be insane. That said though; courts rely heavily on truth and in order to uphold truth they call upon Holy books (we shall come to this soon)... A few hours ago, I saw that humans have been killed in Germany. A knife was the weapon. The 'news' says that 9 people were touched by the knife. Three died. The motive of the person with the knife is unknown. Media reports have cited t

Fall in line

Minimum    Fabulous that a minimum is implemented when it comes to earning for toil. The minimum in the UK is less than £10 an hour. This figure is staggered between ages. The younger you are, well, the less money you are paid each hour (for the same job).   Living Wage  is different to the ‘minimum wage.’ Living is essential for being alive. Without being alive you will not need a  living wage . The ‘minimum wage’ can expedite the need for not needing the  living wage.  This is because the  minimum wage  will not allow you to live.  This here is hyperbole. However, there is a CRISIS in the UK right now. This CRISIS has a name.   COST OF LIVING   Being alive costs more than a living person can pay for. Unless you  submit your expenses    Luckily, the hourly wage in the UK is heavily bolstered. It is also greatly subsidised.   [please] Ignore the: Private Planes Claiming back expenses at CHARITY events Expenses for the items we desire  There is no way that YOU can survive our CRISIS wit

Kill Earth (warnings heeded)

Back in the 90’s- I was taught at school about the ozone layer. (ohhhh. Back in my day ha...) Back in the day. Good Ol' Days etc...  Teachers did their best. Some of mine were so good that I learnt and wanted to learn. Some were just barely functioning. They used the available text books to state that it would be detrimental to earth if I were to use an aerosol can outdoors. Even back then, I found this odd. Why would any sane person waste their Lynx Africa?  The ozone layer was taught to me.  It was sold to me in lessons as a sheath around earth to protect life from the sun. I was taught that the sun provides life. I was taught that the sun is dangerous and so the ozone layer protects us.  Then, I was taught that there were holes in the ozone layer. Holes!  These areas were increasing due to the environment being corrupted by humans. These holes could not be darned or stitched.   I remember freaking the fuck out about this and questioning why aerosols were still readily legal.  As

Leaving The EU #1

Leaving The EU – India    This may be a boring one from me. Boring in it that it is so plainly obvious. Now that the UK has the fantastic opportunity to trade away from European Union, it can get the BEST, WORLD-BEATING deals! Britain WANTS India! Let’s take a peek…   #1 India     This is a spectacular country that has a population of over 1.3 billion people!  Tories, imagine the tax you could rob from them! You could astutely fuck them over ROYALLY. In time for the Jubilee!  India was the  British Raj .  Basically, India was  ruled  by Britain until 1947. A Naval Mutiny caused the oppressing, invading British to say ‘ oops, sorry, we will go now and you get to have your India back .’ Soz for the whole global twattery.   The Indian subcontinent was part of the British Empire from 1852 until 1947!  This date-range spans a mere 2 world wars! I do hope that the folks of India (and other countries) were not somehow gang pressed into being all patriotic to their British occupiers. Of course