Leaving The EU #1

Leaving The EU – India 


This may be a boring one from me. Boring in it that it is so plainly obvious.

Now that the UK has the fantastic opportunity to trade away from European Union, it can get the BEST, WORLD-BEATING deals! Britain WANTS India!

Let’s take a peek…


#1 India  


This is a spectacular country that has a population of over 1.3 billion people! 

Tories, imagine the tax you could rob from them! You could astutely fuck them over ROYALLY. In time for the Jubilee! 

India was the British Raj

Basically, India was ruled by Britain until 1947. A Naval Mutiny caused the oppressing, invading British to say ‘oops, sorry, we will go now and you get to have your India back.’ Soz for the whole global twattery. 

 The Indian subcontinent was part of the British Empire from 1852 until 1947! 

This date-range spans a mere 2 world wars!

I do hope that the folks of India (and other countries) were not somehow gang pressed into being all patriotic to their British occupiers. Of course not! The British are obviously a noble and honest dynasty. That would be sick, gross and the war crime to end all war crimes! Forced to fight and die on behalf of those that have invaded your own land. 

History displays that any force from Britain was done, politely, to liberate others who were clearly less fortunate. Never to occupy their land or force changes upon them! 

Never to loot or gain wealth. 

How the natives waved the Union Jack as the British soldiers conquered their nations. Soldiers of GREAT Britain. Such a modest, understated and amicable nation. Always acting out atrocities with placid humility. 

The Kingdom of euphemisms and confused hypocrisy. If a Brit is a migrant they are actually an ex-pat. Semantics are important in reminding ourselves that we are not like others. The Daily Mail newspaper will assert that MIGRANTS come to Britain and do not even bother to integrate themselves. 

Thankfully, Benidorm is not a microcosm of Little Britain's hypocrisy on this matter. Not one 'Full English Breakfast' advertised in Costa Blanca and certainly NO British Supermarkets stocked with the Best of British commodities. British icons such as Heinz HP Sauce and their beans. 

Fun Facts: Heinz was founded by a chap called Henry. J. Heinz. Makes sense that the company is named after him. He was born in the USA to German immigrants (ex pats). The company is American and their headquarters are in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Best of British!

Thank your lucky stars that at least Kellogg's is wholesomely British. It was not founded by a fella from Michigan. Phew!

Anyway, the Indian population had such primitive mindsets with no clue about mining for their natural resources with any real, industrial force. They needed fabulous Britain to show them how it is all done! Of course, Britain obliged! 

…Always for the best interests of the independent countries, that Britain invaded, for them to become independent (again) in due course. When they are ready to stand on their own two feet!

‘We built their railways’ has been the staple statement - time & again by some in regards to the train networks in India. 

Yes! Britain built railways in India! 

A fine legacy of infrastructure. 

Fantastic & Admirable! 

Britain built them in the same way that the breathtakingly splendid Pyramids were constructed in Egypt. Yes! In the same way that Qatar has been (still is) constructing stadiums for a major sporting event to occur there.

Slavery (or aliens...some may argue this point). Now this has, thankfully, been obliterated. Now it is known as Modern Slavery. 

Luckily, India can now negotiate with by the British Government for more of this. 

How could India refuse such an offer?

So sorry for the whole Empire folly. The flim-flam of us murdering, raping and robbing your families in the not too distant past. Jolly good riot it was and we love your tealeaves. Thanks for the tea. OK, enough of this bluster. 

Sign a deal. 

Sign it NOW! 


Britain assures that you will be supported. 

Britain would NEVER try to con other nations that were owned by Britain. Sorry, not owned.


Shared wealth. Britain got to share your wealth. 


WE BUILT YOUR FUCKING RAILWAY! Show some gratitude! 

A quick analogy: Please do try to break your way into your neighbours house and rob them of their hard-earned commodities. Then when they complain & revolt, you must shriek that they should thank you because you straightened one of their framed pictures as you left. It was askew. Their picture was askew and NOT you or your apathy to law breaking!

You might be cynical and harbour ridiculous notions that Britain built your railways to help us to export your resources. Always good to have a reliable infrastructure when you are greedily exporting goods from an invaded land. How rude of you to have such a negative mindset towards our goodwill. 

NO, t'was done to help YOU! For a better India. Our exploits of Empirical Rule were a friendly charity. 

Why else would Britain overthrow and take absolute control of India if it were not to just be jolly good friends?


The UK has kindly gifted India with call-centres. Such spirited outsourcing of jobs to India. 

Be thankful. 



Britain promises to not send this message to Pakistan, Australia or any of the other places that we invaded. We think you, India, are special and can offer so much more than the EU. The European Union is full of weak nations. 

Yes, OK, we are begging you and yes we fucked you over, but why would you want to trade with the European Union? They are 'Bully Boys' according to some of the media in the UK. Do not do a deal with a bully! 

Britain can GUARANTEE that not one fuck is given about Workers Rights, Contracts or Health. This is our pledge. 

Britain now assures ALL potential partners that it will be balanced! Britain will afford ALL workforces the same privileges that we did when we invaded you and fucked you over. 

Sign on the blood spotted dotted line ...





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