2022 - Do not expect anything nice to happen (unless it is by accident) Part #1

Rightio, I am baffled

Utterly at a loss as to what is actually normalised and accepted, right now, in 2022.

Modern times. The present.

The here and now. 

This exact moment in time. 

Sadly still true when you read this and this was written before now (the now in which you find yourself reading this). Modern! Enlightened!

Dare I say Woke? I just did! Woke. Some folks do not like Woke. Some folks also despise others based on their inherent, racist views. They are not Woke. 

I do not think that I am Woke though and I am not a Nazi. I feel that I have always been tolerant, inclusive and inviting to everyone without the need for a label for it. That said, this here is not supposed to be about what Woke is!Sorry!

So, here we are in 2022 (Friday 13th as it goes) and in this very moment we are all now fully up to speed with this being NOW! 

This is why I find myself confused.

 It is not just the many injustices right now, but the complete farcical nature of them. Most of them are not new phenomenon’s and maybe this is why we accept the madness. Maybe it is because the injustices are deeply-rooted, historical and long standing that we accept them as they evolve further?  

Stockholm Syndrome is likely more a British institution than a term coined in Sweden! ThatPavaldo 

Swedish bank robbery versus the daylight robbery against an entire nation (and other nations as Britain invaded and stole). 

I read about revolutionaries and the significant revolts of the past. They always appear to be so important, poignant and respectable within the hindsight of the history books. 

How did they actually come about though? What was the tipping point for our ancestors? How much shit did they have to take before they collectively used their strength in numbers to make themselves heard? Taxes raised? 

The Crown and/or Church encroaching too much on everyday life? Laws and levies being introduced that appeared to benefit those introducing them and not those having to obey them?


**Chill. Mi5 and other such bastions of security can stand at ease as this here, now, is not a rallying cry or a call to arms. This here is a collection of questions and me being genuinely perplexed at 2022 in Britain**


In no order, these are just a few little bits and pieces that have me confused in 2022…


-Tax. To my knowledge I pay taxes to the British Government because I own a car (however mine is actually £0 a year, I must tax the vehicle). I also pay income tax because I work in a job. I pay VAT every time I make a purchase! 20% of every purchase is tax. I pay Council Tax which is a local tax because the tax I pay to the Government does not seem to make it to where I live!

I pay National Insurance, which I do not mind at all because this is the closest thing we have to a Union. 

However, if a loved one of mine should die and have any money that they have earned and been taxed upon, this money will then be taxed again as an inheritance tax. If I were to purchase a property then it goes without saying that this will incur a tax. 

Am I against tax? Obviously not! 

Tax is a collective way to ensure the smooth running of Britain. It is actually rather Communist in its most simplest of forms. I pay taxes. A section of the population are unable to work in what is regarded as a traditional employment. As such, my taxes help to subsidise them. I LOVE TAX because of this. This is fair and just. 

In 2022 though, any benefits that folks are entitled to will also be taxed. In this way, anyone with a disability (or simply unable to uphold traditional employment) MUST pay tax on their ‘benefits’ to contribute towards their own benefits! 2022! This is now. We accept this! This is the norm.

There is no point in being sarcastic now and mentioning the 1% and their ilk (had to be ilk because ilk is an adjective that is suitable. ‘Ilk’ for some and ‘Those types’ for us).

HUGE businesses that pay little to no taxes exist, nay not just exist, flourish and prosper right NOW in 2022.

Their employees are subjected to everything already mentioned above (namely tax).

2022! You would assume that these companies would then share their wealth. No, you are not silly and so also assume that they would not share their wealth with their employees in a fair way, but that they would at least award them with something gratuitous! Something like a stake or share in the company or an assurance of holiday entitlement and sick pay if ever needed.


Nope. Zero. Zip. Nowt and nothing. Not even a contract! 

Actually, nope, I am exposed as a LIAR! Contact exists as a ZERO HOURS contract! 2022! In this way the employer can continue to pay little to no taxes and ‘employ’ us without having to commit to giving a shit about Human Rights, dignity or sustainability. The worker is now as disposable as the promises made by the CEO’s. 

This is now. 

P & O.

Shit and possibly crass of me to state that the ship has sailed on worker’s Rights in Britain. 

It would be easy to take a swing at religions and the Church right now. No tax for them. Why would the Church of England (biggest Landlord in Britain) not pay tax? Too easy, so I shall leave it there.

Again, this is not a call for protest or dissent. We all accept that we accept this. This is now and we are comfortable with everything. 

We are in control. Do not panic. 

Moreover, we (Brits) have taken BACK control by negating on paying our levies to the Union. No longer an active part of the European Union we can now reap the rewards. 

We shall pick at the ripest fruit before anyone else. We actually get to do this firsthand and in person. No metaphors. Pick fruit from trees, shrubs and bushes. I have nothing against this though (the harvesting of fruit as a profession). It is not only important, it is far trickier than you may think. Raspberries are the worst (in my humble opinion). They squish as soon as you look at them. Maybe without the pesky EU mandates, British raspberries will become stronger and world-beating as they are drip-fed steroids. 

 Do not be worried that all of the above has been implemented by British Parliament (much of it whilst having the EU’s Health & Safety/Humanitarian doctrine to contend with).

Without the stupid legislature of the EU (that was agreed upon by all of the sovereign nations of the EU) Britain can now run amok and make Britain British for Brits. Britain now has control! 

Luckily in 2022 the control that Britain now has by leaving the £trillion trading block is that taxes can be fair. Our Chancellor is of the fortunate position of being legally registered overseas (not in the EU obviously) in the USA. Due to this, he does not have to adhere to the tax laws and taxation regulations that the inhabitants of the UK have to do after he has passed them.

Nifty. It is brilliant for him that his spouse is also able to profit from nepotism. She is able to acquire contracts, on behalf of our taxes, from her husband. Luckily she too does not have to endure the shitty taxes that we do because she is also not registered here in Britain (like her husband that is in charge of tax).




-Wherever the Chancellor is claiming to live to AVOID paying TAX!


THIS IS NOW! Enjoy it. 






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