Kill Earth (warnings heeded)
Back in the 90’s- I was taught at school about the ozone layer. (ohhhh. Back in my day ha...) Back in the day. Good Ol' Days etc... Teachers did their best. Some of mine were so good that I learnt and wanted to learn. Some were just barely functioning. They used the available text books to state that it would be detrimental to earth if I were to use an aerosol can outdoors. Even back then, I found this odd. Why would any sane person waste their Lynx Africa? The ozone layer was taught to me. It was sold to me in lessons as a sheath around earth to protect life from the sun. I was taught that the sun provides life. I was taught that the sun is dangerous and so the ozone layer protects us. Then, I was taught that there were holes in the ozone layer. Holes! These areas were increasing due to the environment being corrupted by humans. These holes could not be darned or stitched. I remember freaking the fuck out about this and questioning why aerosols...